Section 400.227 – updated

Creation of department of health and human services; appointment and duties of director; transfer of powers and duties of department of human services and department of community health to department of health and human services; transfer of powers and duties of director of department of human services and director of department of community health to director of department of health and human services; creation, powers, and duties of Michigan children’s services agency; creation of aging and adult services agency; transfer of commission on services to the aging from department of community health to aging and adult services agency; transfer of powers and duties of office of services to the aging within department of community health to aging and adult services agency and transfer of authority, powers, and duties of director of office of services to aging to executive director of aging and adult services agency; abolishment of position of director of office of services to the aging and office of services to the aging; transfer of autism council from department of community health to department of health and human services; transfer of state child abuse and neglect prevention board from department of human services to department of health and human services; abolishment of health insurance reform coordinating council; transfer of human trafficking health advisory board from department of community health to department of health and human services; creation of office of inspector general; transfer of powers and duties of office of inspector general from department of human Please see compilers notes or history at the bottom of the section for details.